Date and time: 07/06/2019, Saturday, 10:30 a.m. – 12:10 p.m.
Address: 11450 North Shore Drive, Reston, VA 20190, USA
Impacts: 22 residents
Resources: Coffee, Milk, Juice, Bread, Bananas, Books, Ballpoint pens, Bookmarks, File holders, Fridge magnets
Volunteers: 5 members (Phil, Young, Connie, Sherry, Joshua)
    It was the first time since I have been to Korea. Therefore, I was looking forward to joining the LAFH microsites.  I was glad to see residents I have known for a long time. I also glad to meet two new attendees who attended the microsites for the first time.
  We sang together and watched the videos which we prepared for the meeting as always. Because of their various language backgrounds, two volunteers translated the entire contents in Chinese and Korean. After the meeting, some of them asked several spiritual questions. It was because they were old and concerned death. I hope that this microsite will be able to give them peace.
  Volunteers always serve books, pamphlets, coffee, bread, fruits, and etc. for attendees. Those resources play an essential role in the meeting. They can serve the needs of residents. Sometimes coffee aroma attracts passers-by to the meeting room.
  Today I added exceptional gifts which I brought from Korea. They were ballpoint pens, calendars, bookmarks, file holders, and fridge magnets. They were very colorful, printed in Korean and English letters, and designed with Korean characters. They were all distributed. Thankfully, it made them famous and led me to talk to more attendees than usual to explain my gifts*.
  Someone asked me to open the microsites every Saturday. Perhaps she really enjoyed the contents though she was first present. Even though I could explain the reason briefly, I was sorry to say that we cannot open the microsite every weekend since we do not have enough volunteers. I hope that many volunteers will be together through The Hope.
*I appreciate “c-awase” and “Soojeong Ryu” giving me the precious gifts for the Microsites.
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